Foo happily welcomes two new additions to his Foo family. Meet Egg (left), a lovely little girl, who will be traveling to Mexico this summer to study Spanish and Mexican culture. And meet Yung, a rompin' stompin' little Foo boy, who will be traveling to Kansas this summer to study World War II literature. We wish them safe travels and happy studies.
Foo was having so much fun with his metal birdie friends that he decided he could help out this friend who had just laid an egg and needed to go get food. Foo jumped right up and settled in to warm the fragile orb and the big momma bird took off. Luckily she wasn't gone long because Foo had places to be!
These two metal birds were so in love that no matter what Foo did to get their attention, they wouldn't turn for the camera. Must be nice.... Foo wants a girlfriend, too...
With cherries on top? Foo filled his cherry craving when he saw these enormous cherries dangling from a car sculpture. Too bad they left metal shavings in his teeth.
Foo excitedly led the charge against the rust-inflicting raindrop warriors with his horde of metal minions following in his wake. Little? Yes. Intimidating? Very much. And the minions were kind of scary, too.
Foo found his own little TARDIS in the scrap metal yard. He jumped quickly into it to navigate time and space. He just hoped he wouldn't find any Daleks.
Foo really wanted to ride the real baby African elephant, but he (the elephant) was just too intimidated to let that happen, so Foo settled for observing from above and riding the fake one. It was still cool.
Foo did his very best to find the right place for him at the circus. He thought first about being a Fooman cannonball, but the gunpowder made him sneeze and black is just not his color.
Foo enjoyed riding the Unicycle, but when they refused to name it a "Foo-nicycle" in his honor, he moved on to the next activity.
Next, he tried being a clown, but he hated the yellow checkerboard costume.
He eventually found a clown outfit more his style, but although he looks rather dashing in stripes, he really didn't think the clowning life was the best fit for him.
Finally, Foo tried his paw at Lion taming, and YESSSS, finally, there was his true calling. He tamed the wild beast and knows that he would be great at that, but alas, the circus moved along before he could sign the contract (and because he can't really hold a pen).
Although it looks like a mini deer, the gigantic creature was going to be a tasty vittle for yumming the tummy, but it turned and ran and it turned out to be too fast and furry-ous.
Foo found a new friend in Madison, WI. He was kind of an egghead, but he did have a good story to tell. However, he kinda smelled like rotten eggs... wonder why...
Foo wanted to join up and become a Wisconsin firefighter, but they told him he was too small to fit in the uniform properly and he would actually melt in the flames in a real fire. Frown...
Foo decided to "capitolize" on this opportunity to see the sights in one of the Midwest captials; not only the seat of state government, it's a great drinking town. :)
Foo dreams of taking a vacation abroad, but for now, he found this vanside painting of Marseille. He hears it's really that blue (and he would be right!)
Foo enjoyed a pint and a Tuna and Shrimp Po' Boy at the Great Dane Pub in Madison, WI. After lunch, he wanted to race the logo, but he was just too fast for the painted puppy.
Foo really wanted to act upon the stage again, so he took a trip to the Krannert Center in Urbana, IL.
He settled for sitting On the Rocks, the outdoor seating for the outdoor theatre, famous for the inaugural performances of Bilal Dardai's A Greater Gravity and After the Rock Left.
The battle was fierce and mightily fought, but as the two regaled warriors (the Foo of the Road and the Squirrel of the Quad) turned to go, they knew they had a respect for each other that would be heralded in song.
Foo was hoping to find his love for all time at the famed Eternal Flame on the University of Illinois quad. Sadly, the only thing he found was a creepy spider, and he wasn't about to kiss that.